My highlight today though was popping up the road to Belgium to go to a chocolate shop! They tell me Belgium chocolate is the best in the world and Danielle was visiting a friend tonight and wanted to take a gift of chocolate to her.
The smell when you walked in to the shop was so good! The displays were fabulous and the selection amazing!
We went to visit a friend of Danielle's at 7pm and I thought we were returning for dinner after that, but no......! We continued on to Danielle's English speaking group that meet every fortnight. There are about 20 people who attend and all just want to practise using English. I was a leader tonight with my own group and it was great. They were very appreciative of the help and conversation with a native speaker.
We got home at 10pm for dinner! What a long day - I was almost past eating but had to force down some of Danielle's pork and herb pie, followed by some Belgium chocs for dessert!!
I'm on the tractor in the morning as Bernard starts getting in his maize crop. This will be interesting!
I have an appointment at 11am with the Mayor of Le Quesnoy. I've no idea why he wants to see me as I've already had the tour etc. We shall see tomorrow....
Back into france on way home from chocolate shop.
How fascinating .. Can't wait for the next instalment ! :)